Virtual Care
Access UCLA Health care when and where you need it.
虚拟护理允许您远程与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医疗服务提供者联系,而无需前往提供者的办公室. 虚拟医疗节省了时间,使人们更容易获得医疗服务, 特别是如果你住得很远,或者需要经常去看医生.
与您的医疗服务提供者合作,提交包含您的症状和医疗信息的在线调查问卷, then get treatment advice from a provider.
Types of Virtual Care
Virtual care includes:
- Video visits: 这是当你通过互联网使用摄像机和电脑与供应商见面时, smartphone or tablet. 视频访问也可称为远程保健或远程医疗预约.
- E-visits: You send information to your provider electronically, usually in the form of a questionnaire, 然后医疗服务提供者对其进行审查,并向您发送治疗计划或医疗建议. No physical examination is necessary.
- Remote patient monitoring programs: Connected electronic tools, such as heart rate monitors, scales and EKG monitors, track your personal health and medical data, 然后把它发给你的医生,这样他们就可以监控你的状况——不管你在哪里.
- Second opinion consults: A secure video visit where a provider reviews your symptoms, medical history and existing diagnosis and treatment plan, 然后解释他们认为最有可能对你有益的治疗方案.
- E-consults: 初级保健提供者和专科医生几乎在病人不在场的情况下联系,讨论病人的医疗情况.
What types of virtual care does UCLA Health offer?
当你感觉不舒服的时候,虚拟护理是理想的选择, you have a minor injury, or you need a follow-up appointment with your provider. 对于那些无法前往皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康诊所进行面对面预约的人来说,这很方便.

UCLA Health has primary care physicians, specialist physicians, 医师助理(PAs)和执业护士(NPs)可以与您虚拟见面. Try one of these options:
Virtual Care FAQs
虚拟医疗不是针对严重或危及生命的健康问题. 如果你有医疗紧急情况,请拨打911或去最近的急诊室.
Consider using virtual care if you need:
- Help managing a specific health condition
- 有人审查或命令实验室工作,成像或其他诊断测试
- To refill a prescription or request a new medication
- 对现有的诊断和治疗方案征求第二意见
- 获取有关您的健康、检测、诊断或治疗问题的答案
我们皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的许多初级和专业护理提供者都可以进行虚拟护理预约. 请注意,有些预约可能需要亲自拜访. 要安排虚拟护理访问,请选择上面框中的一个选项. You can also log into your myUCLAhealth 帐户,选择“访问/临床记录”,然后选择“安排预约”.”
A third option is to search for a provider and select “Book an Appointment” > “Online Video Visit”; or “Request an Appointment” and then explain that you’re requesting a second opinion.
根据您选择的虚拟护理类型,您需要的内容可能会有所不同. In most cases you will need:
- 一台能上网的电脑、智能手机或平板电脑
- A camera or microphone on your computer, 用于视频访问和第二意见咨询的智能手机或平板电脑
- internet Explorer以外的浏览器,如Chrome、Firefox或Safari
- 与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗服务提供者预约视频访问和第二意见咨询
请注意,许多“面对面”的服务可以通过视频技术提供. However, preventive services appointments, such as well child checks and annual exams, cannot be billed via telehealth. If these services are provided, they will be billed as an "office visit via telehealth,“适用的保险共付额和免赔额将适用.
是的,皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心使用符合hipaa的方法进行虚拟护理,包括视频访问. 这意味着信息的传输是安全的,就像你亲自去看医生一样.
If you're having any issues with your video visit, turn your computer, smartphone or tablet completely off and back on again. If the problem continues, try turning off Wi-Fi.
- 确保音量调大,电话音频没有关闭.
- Turn audio off and back on.
- 如果以上两个步骤都不起作用,请尝试连接有线耳机.
- Ensure you are on a browser other than Internet Explorer.
If all else fails, call the myUCLAhealth help desk at 855-364-7052
您的初级保健提供者(PCP)和专家经常一起工作,以提供最好的护理. 咨询就像你的PCP和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的专家之间的一种特殊形式的沟通. 它可以帮助你的主治医生迅速得到建议,知道你是否需要看专科医生.
咨询是针对专家可以帮助解决的小问题,而不需要与您面对面. eConsults may benefit patients by:
- 为不太复杂的情况提供更快的专家输入时间
- Improving communication and coordination of care
- 增加患者获得专业、高质量护理的机会
- Reducing referrals that aren't necessary
- Enhancing a provider's knowledge by learning from other >experts
Remote Patient Monitoring Programs
通过包括血压或心率监测器在内的电子工具, scales, EKG monitors and others, providers monitor a patient’s health remotely. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心为接受过以下相关服务的患者提供远程患者监测项目:
- Blood pressure management
- Bone marrow transplant
- Breast surgery
- Cardiac surgery
- CAR T-cell therapy
- Complex kidney disease
- COVID-19
- Liver transplant
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Thoracic surgery
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